Patricia Andersen

Assistant Librarian
Assessment and User Experience Librarian

Patricia AndersenPatricia Andersen has a background working in the Mining Industry in Australia and Namibia. She joined the Library’s Front Desk staff in 1999. Patricia now works on Assessment and User Experience, chairing committees in these areas and providing use statistics.

Patricia manages a campus wide survey on Library Services every 4 years or so and has presented on the results of these surveys and associated user comments.

Current interests include designing space use for both the current Library and the anticipated Library renovation.


Library Room #266A
(303) 273-3652
Contact for: Space; Assessment
Department Contact for: Metallurgical & Materials Engineering


  • Associate Diploma of the Library Association of Australia

Selected Publications

  • Andersen, Patricia. “Long Term Results of Action Plans from LibQUAL Survey Comments”.  Poster presented at the 11th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services. July, 2015, Edinburgh, UK.
  • Andersen, Patricia. Dunn, Lisa. Vella Lia. “Connecting by Assessing 3 Case Studies”. Presentation at Colorado Association of Libraries Conference October, 2015, Loveland Colorado.
  • Andersen, Patricia E. “Space Problems in an Aging Library”. Poster presented at Colorado Association of Libraries Annual Conference, November, 2008. Loveland Colorado.
  • Andersen, Patricia  E. and Dunn, Lisa G. “Engineering Students’ use of Library Resource Sharing for Recreation and Implications for Cooperative Collection Development”. Poster presented at ASEE Annual Conference, June, 2006, Chicago IL

Professional Activities

  • Colorado School of Mines Committees
    • Assessment Committee 2015-2018
    • Graduate Council 2010-2015
    • Faculty Senate 2005-2008