Can’t Find It?
Before requesting materials from other libraries, we recommend searching Arthur Lakes Library collections in the Library Catalog.
Scan & Deliver
Request scans of articles and book chapters from material held at Arthur Lakes Library.
Search libraries in the region and pick up at the Mines library. You just need your CWID to request items.
Due to staffing shortages, interlibrary loan services are significantly disrupted. Please Ask a Librarian for help with your interlibrary loan needs.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
We can help you find books, articles, theses, patents and more from libraries all over the world. Create an ILL account to get started.
Suggest a Purchase
Can’t find something and think we should have it? Let us know and we’ll look into adding it to the collection.
ILL Help
Phone: 303-273-3699
Fax: 303-273-3199
Prospector Help
Phone: 303-273-3698