Suggest a Purchase

Can’t find something and think we should have it? Fill out the form below and we’ll look into adding it to the collection.

Before submitting recommendations, please check the Library Catalog or Databases A-Z to determine whether the Library already owns the item.

Course Readings: To ensure availability for the first day of classes, all purchase requests should be submitted no later than 8 weeks before the first day of the semester. List the course(s) the resource is for in the More Detail/Explanation portion of the form below.

Journals: The library reviews and renews its annual journal subscriptions during the summer, with all subscription dates aligned with the calendar year.

Databases: The library reviews and renews database subscriptions on the fiscal or calendar year, depending on the resource.

Books & other items: The library is electronic preferred due to space, staffing, and accessibility. Book and other one-time purchases are considered all year.

If you have questions about the collection or want to improve the collection in a particular area, please use this form or Ask A Librarian.